- This Step Times Out After 5 mins. Do NOT walk away without hitting "FINISH LATER"
- You will receive a copy of this Listing Agreement and Disclosures via email when you complete it. Save it on your computer.
- If you need your listing up by Friday, send to us by Wednesday.
- Your listing will be up and running within 1-2 Business Days.
- We will send you your listing to proof for any errors we may have made. Please proof ASAP as it is live.
CBRAR covers:
Gloucester County, King & Queen County, King William County, Matthews County, Middlesex County, Town of West Point and Surrounding Areas Some areas border 2 MLS Systems - pick the best one that works for you.
Be sure to pick the correct MLS Listing Agreement below.
Home and Land For Sale Paperwork - Pick the Correct Packet Below
Home for Rent Paperwork - Pick the Correct Packet Below
- Take your time filling out this step to be sure you get it accurate.
- If you absolutely have to leave docusign before submitting, you MUST hit "FINISH LATER" or you cannot get back into it ever again.
- You will receive a copy of this Listing Agreement/Disclosures via email when you complete it. Save it on your computer.
- If you need your Bright Flat Fee Listing up by Friday, send to us by Wednesday
- Your listing will be up and running within 1-2 Business Days.
- We will send you your MLS Listing to proof for any errors we may have made. Please proof ASAP as it is live.