Don’t be surprised by how much you have to pay when you close the sale of your home. Be sure to get an estimate before you put your home on the market. Did you know that the largest amount on your closing documents is usually the combined seller and buyer real estate agent fees? Each agent can be paid a fee of up to 3% of the selling price of the home. That’s approximately 6% deducted from the proceeds of the sale, in addition to the taxes, inspections and other closing costs, such as those listed below.
There is a way to eliminate the seller agent fee of approximately up to 3% when you sell your home For Sale by Owner. With a flat fee broker, it’s easier than you think and for a small flat fee, you still get a professional MLS listing to market your home in the same online listings as your competition. You get everything you need tp list, market and sell your home from our experienced, licensed Virginia real estate brokerage. View our videos to better understand how the process works and what you can expect at close.