Contract Status
Please add the Contract Date and Closing Date for your property below.
- Hire a closing/title/settlement company (they are all the same) within 24-48 hours of going Under Contract and ask them for the below info.
- Seller and Buyer have to use the same title company OR one side can use a title company and the other side an attorney.
- Then Fill in ALL the Below Required Fields (Do NOT put TBD or UNKNOWN as the MLS does not accept that.
- Remember YOU MUST send us a copy of the Signed Ratified Contract within 12 hours of signing to to avoid the MLS hefty fine as explained in the listing agreement you signed.
If you have a Home Sale Contingency, you MUST notify us within 24 hours via email, when the contingency is removed to avoid the MLS fine.
Click for Video Tutorial If You Need Help with the Below!