Homeowner/Advertiser hereby agrees to the following:
FSBO Services signs are:
RENTED for the FSBO / Flat Fee MLS Listing Advertisement Period and/or Closing Date (whichever comes first).
All signs must be returned (in originial box - if you received it in a box) in
CLEAN, UNMARKED & REUSABLE CONDITION. No Defacing of Signs with tape, markers, stick-ons, etc.
Homeowner must return signs & /lockbox in ORIGINAL BOX before ad expiration, cancellation or closing date (whichever comes first) to a FSBO drop off location for deposit refund via mail or drop off. Appointments are required at drop off location. Please remember our office hours are Mon-Fri - 9-5
If you have the Professionally Installed Post Sign, we need 1 weeks notice PRIOR TO CLOSING, CANCELLING OR EXPIRATION to get the company to your home for pick up.
FSBO needs 1 weeks notice if homeowner elects FSBO to pick up signs &/or lockbox - but then forfeits all deposit(s). * NOT AVAILABLE IN ALL AREAS.
A Deposit is charged on all yard signs which is refunded per the conditions above. Refund takes up to 4 weeks. Deposits will be sent out after return of all rented items and
receipt of Closing Statement/ALTA (for those that closed).
Before you install any signs/directionals - we suggest calling Miss Utility. If you are having the Professional Post Sign installed, the sign company will call Miss Utility. After yard is marked (approx 1-3 days), then the sign conpany will come out to install the sign (approx 2-5 days).
For Sale By Owner Services/Crevier-Kent Inc ( accepts no responsibility for damage to underground facilities. Locating and marking such facilities are the responsibility of the homeowner.
Should I call Miss Utility (1-800-552-7001 or before placing the sign post order? The sign post company will do this, as it is required, so they don't hit yard lights (gas or electric) or electrical or telephone boxes or cable in the yard. Where they mark it means that there are underground utility lines at this location. The underground utilities will be marked prior to our the post sign company arrival. By placing this order, you accept full responsibility for making sure Miss Utility comes out prior and locates and identies all utility lines, inc: sprinkler systems. Neither For Sale By Owner (Crevier-Kent Inc.) nor its subcontractors accepts responsibility for damage to unmarked underground facilities.
Check county and state and Local laws and your HOA.
FSBO will not be responsible for fines incurred due to sellers breaking VA Code violations. Seller understand that fines incurred to FSBO for illegally placed signs will automatically be charged to the Seller’s credit card.
Homeowners will automatically be charged the following fees (in addition to the deposits) for failure to return rented items in proper timeframe:
$125 for lockbox, $125.00 for each Post Yard Sign, $40.00 for each Frame Yard Sign; $12.00 for each directional sign; $11.00 for each tube; $22.00 for info box and $7.00 for each insert, the day after the seller’s advertisement expires. (NO EXCEPTIONS)
Returning Signs - Just Fill Out this Form to set up the return of the form.